This home spa remedy offers relief for tired, puffy eyes.
No one needs to know that you stayed up to the wee hours of the night engrossed in a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon. That’s your business. But telltale signs like swollen, puffy eyes might blow your cover. Late nights, allergies and even that good tearjerker can lead to visibly irritated, puffy eyes. Here’s a ridiculously easy home remedy for puffy eyes that keeps your secret safe. The caffeine in the tea will constrict blood vessels and drain trapped fluids while the cold compress will soothe redness and irritation.
Here’s what you need:
- 2 caffeinated black tea bags
Here’s what you do:
Dip the tea bags into a cup of water. Pour out the water and place the two wet tea bags in the cup. Pop the cup in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. Find a comfy place to stretch out, close your eyes and place the tea bags over the eye area, pressing them down gently above and below the eyes. For an extra relaxation boost, place a cold wash cloth over the eyes and forehead. Relax for at least 10 minutes.
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