Bring out your playful glow with this honey facial mask.
Like most of you, my desk is somewhat of an altar. I’ve placed various trinkets that I love strategically around me—the Boyds stuffed bear with the serenity prayer that was among my grandmother’s possessions when she passed, a silly photo booth pic of me and spa boy, a thank you card from someone who touched my heart with her generosity.
Among these many treasures is a pocket book from Sedona artist, Andrea Smith, called “Enlighten Up.” Andrea’s freeform doodlings are intertwined with precious words like: “Be LIGHT: Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.” Just having it within my sight makes me smile. Andrea is a gifted artist but this lighthearted book for the child in all of us reminds me that play is just as important as working hard.
With that in mind, I grant you clearance to play and feel good in the process. Whip this yogurt and honey facial mask up, slather it on, crank up your favorite tunes or grab a juicy book and enlighten up. This mask will gently exfoliate, hydrate and give circulation a boost.
Here’s what you need:
- 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed
- 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon honey
Here’s what you do:
Mix the ingredients together in a bowl. Massage the mask onto a clean face and leave it on for up to 5 minutes. Remove with a warm face cloth, gently massaging your skin to lift dead skin cells as you go. Follow up with a spritz of witch hazel or splash of cool water and a moisturizer.
Now smile! For more about Andrea, head on over to andreasmithgallery.com.
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