Bring on the shine with this honey hair rinse.
Revive tired tresses and give them a shine boost with this easy-to-make, leave-in honey hair treatment. Recipe compliments of the National Honey Board.
Here’s what you need:
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 4 cups warm water
- Lemon (optional for blonds)
Here’s what you do:
Stir honey into warm water. Blonds may wish to add a squeeze of lemon. After shampooing pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal.
Yuck! I must have mixed this wrong because I was left with a sticky frizzy mess, not a shine boost. I prefer an eggwash or an avocado mask for my shine needs. This was a fun experiment though, thanks for posting it, I'll try it again with more water maybe.
Thanks for the feedback!