A gentle, clarifying treatment for chlorine-tainted tresses.
Blonds have no fun when a dip in the pool results in green-tinged tresses. This tried-and-true recipe from our SpaGirl kitchen banishes sticky, frizzy, stressed-out hair with just two simple ingredients: baking soda and some good ol’ shampoo. This quick concoction calls on the ever-versatile properties of baking soda to neutralize chlorine and bring hair back to its soft, manageable, non-green state. Good for any hair color but especially good for blonds of any shade — natural and otherwise!
Here’s what you need:
- 1/3 cup shampoo
- 4 teaspoons baking soda
Here’s what you do:
Stir shampoo and baking soda together in a small bowl until the baking soda is dissolved and the solution becomes foamy. Rinse hair with water then apply the mixture from root to tip. Lightly scrub scalp and hair for about 30 seconds and rinse thoroughly. Condition and style as usual.
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