Tone up with this all-natural facial toner for squeaky clean skin.
We are constantly toning; toning our arms, toning our tummies, toning our bums. With a whole lotta tonin’ going on we tend to neglect toning our faces. Yes, your heard us right and no, we’re not talking about a super secret set of facial exercises that we found on Pinterest meant to highlight your cheekbones or get rid of that extra jiggle under your chin (more cardio, less cheeseburgers). We’re talking about toning your skin.
Give your epidermis some extra love with this simple, all-natural way to tone your skin.
The apple cider vinegar in this recipe has anti-bacterial properties and helps dry up excess sebum, removing dirt and debris from your pores. It also balances your skin’s pH level. Fresh lemon juice is an excellent natural exfoliant, brightens your skin and diminishes uneven skin tone. Lemon is also a natural preservative and will keep your toner fresher longer but skip it if your skin is sensitive.
Cheers to a balanced pH level and bottom’s up!
Here’s what you need:
- 1/2 cup of purified water
- 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar
- Squeeze of fresh lemon (optional)
Here’s what you do:
Mix the ingredients in a jar or bottle with a tight-fitting cap. After washing your face, shake it up and get your tone on with a cotton ball or piece of soft fabric. Follow up with a moisturizer for your skin type. Store the toner in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
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