Four home spa beauty treatments you can make with baking soda.
Martha Stewart is always looking out for me. Okay, so she’s looking out for all of us and by all accounts, is a shrewd business empress and the queen all of things clean and crafty. But, I’ll just make this about me because I can.
Last week she sent me a box of goodies (me and maybe 57 other bloggers … whatever). The first thing I noticed when I ripped into the box was a chalky white powder escaping from the sides. Martha, what have you done (I thought)? Digging through the light teal tissue paper, I found the sweetly beguiling summer issue of Martha Stewart Living, some crafting items, a really cool thermal ceramic cup and, low and behold, the source of the mystery powder: Two boxes of Arm & Hammer baking soda. Yeah, I know, baking soda?
On further inspection, it began to make sense. Apparently, baking soda does more than make bread rise and eliminate funky smells in your fridge. The fine powder is a natural cleanser and the perfect exfoliant to buff away dead skin cells without irritating the skin. See? Martha’s got my back (and yours too).
Here are four insanely easy and effective baking soda beauty recipes courtesy of Arm & Hammer and Martha Stewart:
Cleansing Manicure
First, dip a wet nail brush or toothbrush into a small bowl of baking soda and gently scrub nails and cuticles. Then, mix together about three tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water until the mixture makes a paste. Rub the mixture in a gentle, circular motion over hands, wrists and fingers to exfoliate and smooth. Rinse clean with warm water and complete your manicure with polish or nail buffing.
Exfoliating Pedicure
Start by dissolving about three tablespoons of baking soda in a basin of warm water and soak feet. Make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water like described above and gently massage your feet and ankles with the paste. Rinse with warm water and you’re ready to clip, file and polish.
Soothing Bath Soak
Need a soothing timeout? Pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda under running warm water in your bath tub. Lay back, relax and let the mixture cleanse and smooth skin.
Facial & Body Scrub
Make a past of three parts baking soda to one part water. Massage gently on face in a circular motion and rub on to body, focusing on dry areas like elbows, knees and heels. Perfect for buffing away dead skin before a spray tan!
Get more surprising beauty uses for baking soda at marthastewart.com and armandhammer.com.
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